NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN! Walkthrough (Whirlpool / Denpasoft & Sekai Project)

LIP Lewd Idol Project Vol3

This walkthrough is for the NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN! visual novel by Whirlpool and Denpasoft & Sekai Project, available for English download on Denpasoft, Sekai Project, and Steam

If you end up with the Steam version, you can upgrade to the 18+ DLC from the patch on Denpasoft.

NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN! has 2 main heroines, Touka and Nanako. This guide will help you unlock all uncensored CGs for NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN!. 

You’ll need 1 save slots for NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN!.

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.

Touka’s Route

  • Start
  • Save slot 1
  • I’d rather hang out with Touka

Nanako’s Route

  • Load slot 1
  • Butter Nanako’s Biscuit

Hidden Harem Scene

  • From Title Menu
  • Extras
  • Scene Tab
  • Last Scene in the menu

Did you like NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN! by Whirlpool? Be sure to check out NEKO-NIN exHeart 3 and other Whirlpool games over on Denpasoft.