Aoi Tori Walkthrough (Purple Software/ NekoNyan)

LIP Lewd Idol Project Vol3

This walkthrough is for the Aoi Tori visual novel by Purple Software and NekoNyan, available for English download on MangaGamer, Denpasoft, JASTUSA, NekoNyan, and Fakku

Aoi Tori has 3 main heroines, Mary, Risa, and Sayo, with one hidden heroine. This guide will help you unlock all uncensored CGs for Aoi Tori. 

You’ll need 1 save slots for Aoi Tori.

This walkthrough is based on the one found on Seiya Saiga.


  • After completing each route, new scenes will be added to the Gallery
  • After completing all 3 routes, you can choose Akari’s Route from the Main Menu

Mary Route

  • New Game
  • Save slot 1
  • Mary

Risa Route

  • Load slot 1
  • Risa

Sayo Route

  • Load slot 1
  • Sayo

Akari’s Route

  • Main Menu
    • Akari’s Story
    • I love this world